Monday, March 12, 2012

G&A Register for the Future

When I think about what to register for I dream of all of the things that would fit perfectly in our cozy little home. I ponder the perfect dinner party and cannot help but think that all of our new items will be the highlight of the night. I look into the future and see the cookie jar that our babies will climb the counter to reach into, the fine china we will eat off during special celebrations and the way our home will smell when you first walk in. 

Now the subject of how practical some registry items really are has been brought to my attention by the realist in our lil duo (aka Grant). Will these items be something we use everyday or will they sit in a box in storage only to be brought out during moving day? So with that brought to my attention, I wanted to make a go-to list of things that just scream Grant and Ashley. I assure you that these lil babies will get plenty of use throughout the years. 

And of course if you feel the need to bypass Grant's concerns (believe me I won't mind) We have also registered at Target here for some practical and not so practical gifts. Happy Shopping! 


G&A's Invitations Arrive!

It's official! Our invitations have been designed and printed. After one long weekend of assembling, they are ready to be mailed off. My hard work is starting to pay off and this event is starting to all come together. Hooray! Expect yours in the mail soon! 


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

G&A Have Been Busy Busy Busy!

Life here for us has been a little crazy! As most of your probably know, Grant is still overseas on his travels thru Europe. Posted above are just a couple pictures that he has taken during his many adventures. With Grant traveling the world, me trying to find more freelance work and a new apartment in NY, as well as attempting to finish the seemingly never ending details of our upcoming wedding, we have been busy busy busy! 

One little sneak peak of news I do have for you guys is that the invitations are ready to be picked up tomorrow from the printer- hooray! I cannot tell you how excited I am to rip open those babies and send em out for the world to see! Posted photos of the lil guys will be coming this weekend! Hope your just as excited about it as I am. More promised wedded bliss to come! 

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